Cinematic TitlesWatch Video
A collection of titles inspired by film and popular media. With these titles, anything can have a cinematic look. As always, they are easy to use and customize. The pack works with Premiere Pro and After Effects.

Cinematic experience.

Push any text to the next level.

Powerful customization

Customization is brought to the next level. These titles are designed to work with any font. You can adjust colors, position, scale, paddings and pretty much all you need.


See the titles in action.

After Effects tutorial

See just how simple working with the titles can be.

Premiere Pro tutorial

Working with the titles in Premiere feels like magic!


Items included in this pack

3-Line Neon 01
1-Line Neon 01
1-Line Neon 01
Lower Third Neon 04
Lower Third Neon 04
Lower Third Neon 03
1-Line Neon 01
Lower Third Neon 01
3-Line Neon 01
Browse All 169 Items